
Typical poses from a session

Below you will see a range of the typical poses that that are likely to be included in one of my sessions.

If you believe a pose is not right for you I can always suggest alternatives that will achieve a similar result

Tree Pose

Tree pose

With the Sanskrit name Vrkasana, this beautifully focussed balance pose establishes strength in the legs. It is a hip opener, and strengthens the core muscles, used for balance. At a psychological level it can help you feel centred, steady, and grounded.

Triangle Pose

Triangle pose

With the Sanskrit name Trikonasana, this lovely pose stretches joints and muscles, especially in the legs hips, and shoulders. It takes the spine into a lateral stretch, and can create a sense of space, particularly in the breath. You can do this pose when you first start yoga, but even experienced practitioners can find challenge when perfecting it.

Fish Pose

Fish pose

Otherwise known as Matsyasana, what other pose should I do on the beach? A gentle backbend, it’s often done to release the neck following the Shoulderstand inverted pose. Not so often done on its own, it enhances flexibility in the spine.

Side angle bend Pose

Side angle bend pose

With the Sanskrit name Parsvakonasana, this is a fantastic intermediate pose, stretching, strengthening and aligning the spine. Considered more challenging than Triangle, a version can be found whatever your level.

Half lotus Pose

Half lotus pose

A direct translation from the Sanskrit Ardha Padmasana, this traditional pose gives you a stable seat for pranayama (breath control) and meditation practices. It can be worked up to from simple crossed legs as the flexibility in your hips, knees and ankles increases over time.

Dancer Pose

Dancer pose

With the Sanskrit name Natarajasana, this heart opening pose is a strong backbend as well as a balance. Expressive of grace and poise, it opens hips and shoulders and improves or maintains flexibility in the upper back. It can also help you improve your posture.